1 clinical unit

In the 1st clinical department of JSC "Medicina" Clinic (Professor Roytberg Clinic), specialized sections of medical care and restorative medicine are concentrated: cardiology, traumatology and orthopedics, rheumatology, endocrinology, as well as allergology, gastroenterology, psychotherapy, nephrology, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage, manual therapy and others. An integrated approach to treatment is carried out under the supervision of a local therapist, which allows you to achieve the best results. And the accuracy of diagnostics is ensured by one of the best diagnostic bases in the clinic "Medicine" in Moscow.
To improve the quality of life of patients with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the cardiologists of our clinic use the most modern equipment for treatment and diagnostics, which allows them to conduct a comprehensive examination as soon as possible and choose the most effective methods of treatment.
The clinic successfully uses advanced modern invasive methods of diagnostics and treatment of coronary heart disease - coronary angiography, according to the results of which further management tactics are specified: balloon angioplasty with stenting of the coronary arteries; performing coronary artery bypass surgery; or in case of multiple occlusions of coronary vessels - the implementation of hybrid coronary bypass grafting (coronary hybrid (integrated) revascularization). Surgical procedures are performed by the most experienced cardiac surgeons from Italy.
For the treatment of patients with coronary heart disease and heart failure, non-invasive methods are also used, incl. enhanced external counterpulsation.
Traumatology and Orthopedics
Helping adults and children with fractures and dislocations, bruises and sprains, wounds and abrasions, burns and frostbite, animal and insect bites, experienced orthopedic traumatologists provide both in the clinic and in the hospital.
If necessary, emergency assistance is provided in the orthopedic traumatologist's office, anesthesia of fractures and local blockages in case of damage to the musculoskeletal system is performed, a plaster cast (including polymer) is applied.
Our highly qualified specialists treat almost all orthopedic diseases, including diseases of the spine, as well as joint arthroplasty.
Most people suffering from joint diseases require long-term therapy, including the use of drugs of various drug groups. Experienced rheumatologists of JSC "Medicine" (clinic of Academician Roitberg) will help to carry out a comprehensive examination and prescribe the most effective treatment on its basis.
Stress, dizziness, pain in the spine, headache, sleep disorder - to understand the cause of disorders of the nervous system, to establish where the lesion is located, to assess the degree of damage to the nervous system in diseases of other organs - these are the tasks of a qualified neurologist.
Stress, dizziness, pain in the spine, headache, sleep disorder - to understand the cause of disorders of the nervous system, to establish where the lesion is located, to assess the degree of damage to the nervous system in diseases of other organs - these are the tasks of a qualified neurologist.
For patients suffering from chronic pain of various etiologies, there is a Center for the Treatment of Chronic Pain, in which an experienced algologist leads the reception, who will help get rid of pain in the back, joints, fibromyalgia, migraine, tension headache, as well as pain syndrome in cancer ...
Also in JSC "Medicine" (clinic of Academician Roitberg) there is a Center "Cabinet of Memory" - a highly specialized unit for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with memory impairments.
Also in JSC "Medicine" (clinic of academician Roitberg) there is the Center "Cabinet of Memory" - a highly specialized unit for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with memory impairments.
In our clinic, you can undergo all the necessary examinations for an accurate diagnosis, daily glucose monitoring, as well as carry out complex treatment. An experienced endocrinologist will carry out the prevention of endocrine diseases and help stop their development.
Allergology and Immunology
Determining the cause of an allergic reaction and choosing the optimal course of treatment, including specific sensitization - these are the tasks of a qualified allergist at our clinic.
Qualified gastroenterologists of Medicina JSC (Academician Roitberg Clinic), using the most modern equipment and the latest technology (including a breath test for the detection of Helicobacter pylori bacteria), will help you and prevent the development of dangerous pathologies manifested by symptoms such as abdominal pain, recurrent feeling of heaviness in the upper abdomen, heartburn, belching, nausea, bitterness and dry mouth, intestinal problems (unstable stools, constipation, flatulence, discomfort in the lower abdomen).
A nephrologist is engaged in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease. Effective treatment of kidney diseases requires an integrated approach, which is ensured by the versatility of JSC "Medicina" Clinic (Professor Roytberg Clinic) and close cooperation of the nephrologist with the urologist, as well as with other specialists of the clinic.
The specialists of the pulmonary service of our clinic are struggling with chronic and acute bronchopulmonary diseases. Stable remission, which is provided by the pulmonologists of the clinic, is achieved through diagnostic bronchoscopy, as well as medical bronchoscopy with the introduction of drugs into the bronchi.
Treatment of infectious diseases
The clinic carries out dispensary observation and rehabilitation of those who have had viral and bacterial diseases, as well as planned and emergency prophylaxis with modern vaccines against influenza, diphtheria, measles, rubella, poliomyelitis, mumps, tetanus, viral hepatitis A, B. Differential diagnosis of parasitic infections is carried out ...
Experienced dermatologists of our clinic are able to successfully diagnose skin diseases, identify and eliminate not only the symptoms, but also the cause. The maximum effect is achieved through a thorough examination, the use of modern methods of therapy, and close communication with cosmetologists.
A dietitian will answer all questions about nutrition, including for various diseases, select a balanced diet, make up an individual diet during pregnancy, and tell you about the state of your body at the time of treatment. Taking into account chronic diseases, the results of examinations and studies on a fat analyzer, body type, a nutritionist will also select the weight loss methods that are right for you. You can achieve amazing results in weight loss, normalization of blood metabolism, improvement of well-being and a surge of energy in cooperation with a nutritionist throughout the course of diet therapy.
Anxiety, stress, crisis in the family or at work are the problem areas of psychotherapy. A specialist is needed to solve any problem. Improving performance, increasing energy potential, resolving interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts is the goal of a psychotherapist. Assistance is provided individually and in accordance with the wishes of the patient, both by pharmacological means and in the course of doctor-patient communication using various psychotherapeutic techniques.
- Dermatologist (trichologist)
- Physiotherapist
- Cardiologist (counterpulsation) of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Center
- Masseur
- Chiropractor
- Instructor-Methodist
- Physician of physiotherapy exercises
- Nephrologist
- Chronic Pain Treatment Room
- Cabinet of Memory
- Dermatovenereologist
- Neurologist (algologist)
- Traumatologist-orthopedist
- Neurologist