Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most recent and highly informative diagnostic method, which allows specialists to obtain slice images of soft tissues and organs in different planes. It is based not on ionizing radiation but on the principle of magnetic resonance of hydrogen nuclei, which is the most widespread element in the human body.

The MRI technology is widely used in diagnostics of diseases with any organic manifestations (tumors, cysts, congenital anomalies, etc.) and makes it possible to follow up the changes in the process of treatment for these conditions. The images obtained with the help of MRI scan are of better quality than x-rays or ultrasonograms in terms of the amount of information they provide.

MRI device SIEMENS 3 Tc in the clinic of JSC "Medicine" (clinic of academician Roytberg)
MRI device SIEMENS 3 Tc in the clinic of JSC "Medicine" (clinic of academician Roitberg)

Indications for MRI

Indications for MRI include the diseases of: 

  • the brain and the spinal cord;
  • abdominal organs (except for the stomach and intestines);
  • small pelvis organs;
  • major vessels;
  • joints.

Neurologists and neurosurgeons are among those specialists who refer their patients to the MRI as it is the most informative investigation method for patients with organic diseases of the brain and the spinal cord that allows to resolve many issues concerning treatment.

The MRI method is quite informative for the assessment of the condition of the abdominal and small pelvis organs. The Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan allows to visualize bladder tumors in urology and assess the health of joints.

The magnetic resonance imaging method has been improving continuously; more powerful and modern devices are designed, allowing to investigate larger areas of the body.

MRIs can be performed with and without a contrast agent. When the contrast must be used, a substance, which is especially brightly visualized in images taken during scanning, is administered to the patient before the procedure. The specialist should be especially cautious when using this method because some people may be allergic to the contrast agent.

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MRI diagnostics may not be performed if patients have:

  • a pacemaker;
  • ferromagnetic or electronic implants in the middle and internal ear;
  • insulin pumps, neurostimulators;
  • large metal implants and surgical hardware manufactured of different alloys including iron;
  • foreign metal matter in their body.

There also exist relative contraindications for the MRI procedure. These include:

  • presence of cardiac valve prostheses;
  • pregnancy with the term of up to 12 weeks;
  • claustrophobia: magnetic resonance imaging is performed in the apparatus fitted out with a special tunnel, in which a patient should lie, and fear of being locked in may lead to a panic attack;
  • when the patient cannot stay still for a certain period due to any reasons.
  • Before a Doctor prescribes the MRI procedure, he or she will ask the patient all the necessary questions and decide if using the MRI procedure is appropriate.


    The price for the magnetic resonance imaging procedure is shown on the website. For more detailed information on prices, please contact our specialists. Our Center guarantees: 

    • a high-quality procedure on 3 T MRI apparatus made by SIEMENS Company in accordance with international standards as per European protocols; all equipment is subject to regular checks and calibrations conducted by own engineer holding a license issued by the equipment manufacturer;
    • if necessary, scanning can be made more accurate: additional MRI with contrast enhancement;
    • consultations with professor A. L. Yudin, head of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics at the Russian National Research Medical University in complex diagnostic cases;
    • get a disc with a scan, hard copy with three-dimensional reconstructions and key findings;
    • MRI test results can be translated into a foreign language.

    Test results will be ready within 1 1/2 hours after the scan.

    The results of MRT diagnostics shall be analyzed by experienced specialists. This guarantees high accuracy of the data, which will help to make the correct diagnosis and determine further treatment. 

    What Will Happen When I Do Magnetic Resonance Imaging?

    Meditsina Clinic performs scans using the following scanners: 

    • ACHIVA 1.5 T by Philips;
    • MAGNETOM Skyra.

    MAGNETOM Skyra 3 Т differs fundamentally from similar models of other manufacturers with more accurate quantitative assessment of findings, the expert level of quality of diagnostic images and high data acquisition rate.

    The powerful scanner used in our Center has modern software allowing to perform the scan in accordance with international MRI standards.

    The scanner allows our MRI specialists to perform scans of any anatomic region including the prostate, the uterine neck, and the rectum. The device is user-friendly, and experienced specialists can easily obtain the necessary results using it.

    The patient’s tunnel diameter is 70 cm; therefore, the MRI can be provided to people of practically any bodily constitution. The large tunnel lumen reduces the probability of panic attacks caused by claustrophobia. Moreover, scanning using MAGNETOM Skyra 3 Т is performed practically noiselessly. All these factors provide for the maximum comfort and convenience of the MRI procedure for our patients.

    Magnetic resonance imaging as a rule does not require any special preparation of the patient. The Doctor may ask to refrain from eating and drinking within a certain period before MRI only in some cases. It is recommended to put on loose clothes; you should take off metal knick-knackery and take metal objects out of the pockets before the procedure.

    A patient positions him (her) self on a mobile table which is located inside the tunnel of the MRI apparatus. Magnetic resonance imaging is an absolutely painless procedure and a subject as a rule has no sensations during the scanning. But you should keep motionless during the scan because the accuracy of results depends on this to a great extent. 

    Meditsina Clinic offers MRI scanning in Moscow: our benefits

    If you have to undergo the MRI procedure in Moscow, we recommend that you visit our Clinic. We are located in the Central Administrative District, not far from Mayakovskaya metro station.

    Our specialists have two MRI apparatuses at their disposal. One of them is 1.5 T device, and the second one is a unique MRI apparatus of expert class, which can generate the magnetic field with the intensity of 3 T. There are only a few 3 T MRI apparatuses even in Moscow, and the first Russian “quiet” MR-system with the minimum acoustic noise level has been installed at our Clinic. Siemens MAGNETOM Skyra 3 Т makes it possible to perform the procedure rapidly, provides for the expert level of diagnostic image quality and accurate quantitative assessment of the MRI results. 

    JSC «Medicine» (clinic of academician Roytberg) at Mayakovskaya means:

    • high quality of services;
    • individual approach and attentive handling of every patient;
    • attractive prices.

    We are the only one multi-field facility in the Russian capital accredited as meeting the JCI international quality standards what allows us to provide services at the level of comparable clinics abroad.

    We provide MRI services round-the-clock; therefore, you may arrange a visit at a convenient time. We guarantee high quality of medical aid including regular disinfection of the equipment in accordance with the sanitary standards and regulations. 


Врач Aleksandr Shelepov
Experience 15 year
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Врач Ekaterina Morozova
Experience 21 year
Pediatrician, PhD (Medicine), member of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia
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Врач Karen Mkrtchyan
Urologist Candidate of Medical Sciences, member of the European Association of Urology and the Russian Society of Urological Oncology
Experience 16 year
Urologist Candidate of Medical Sciences, member of the European Association of Urology and the Russian Society of Urological Oncology
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Врач Mariya Grinberg
Dental therapist
Experience 30 year
Dental therapist, member of the International Dentistry Association (IDA)
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Врач Natalya Kondratova
Chief physician of the hospital
Experience 23 year
Grand Doctor of Medicine, Associate Professor, Highest Qualification Category
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Врач Olga Berezhko
General practitioner
Experience 38 year
Board Certified General Practitioner (Highest Category), member of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Internal Medicine
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Врач Sergey Tarabarin
Surgeon, Doctor of Medicine, European society of surgery
Experience 43 year
Surgeon, Doctor of Medicine, European society of surgery Doctor of the highest category, professor, member of the Moscow Surgical Society.
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