JSC «Medicine» Medical Center (clinic of academician Roytberg) in Moscow offers services of qualified Doctors-mammologists, who treat mammary gland health problems. At our clinic, you will undergo rapid and accurate testing and get the results you can trust. Many breast neoplasms are treated successfully at early stages; therefore, regular visits to a mammologist is an important component of any woman’s health. We recommend to plan a visit to a mammologist in the interval between cycle days 6 and 12 but, of course, you may seek medical attention on any day including holidays and weekends.
During the visit, a doctor performs palpatory investigation of the mammary gland and may prescribe an ultrasonic scan, mammography, or biopsy. The methods of ultrasonic scanning may be sufficient for the patients aged under 30 years because the apparatus for ultrasonic investigation allows to reveal pathologic mass lesions in the gland, their location, dimensions, and structure. Mammography is an informative method at an older age. In complex cases, our Doctors recommend scintigraphy, i.e. radionuclide diagnosis. All tests are done painlessly, in a comfortable atmosphere, without any stress for the patient.
Department of Mammology
The Department of Mammology at JSC «Medicine» (clinic of academician Roytberg) in Moscow aims at keeping each patient healthy. We have at our disposal whatever is required for complex diagnostics and effective therapy of different diseases. Other specialists of the Clinic will be involved in the examination if necessary.
Our doctors ask women not to ignore even the least signs of discomfort in the mammary gland. Feeling of fullness, pain, induration, discharge from the mammillae—all these complaints require an urgent visit to a doctor. An annual regular examination allows to reveal pathologic processes at early stages even when they have not yet been manifested with any symptoms and use the maximally effective measures for preserving the patient’s health. Today mammology has a wide range of methods and can help manage even diseases at an advanced stage.
The Doctors of our Center are true professionals who provide not only medical aid but also the psychologic support for the patients. They help a woman to achieve a positive state of mind, which in many ways aids successful recovery.