Individual Check Up

Complex medical checkup programs for men and women

Get a complex medical screening for determination of latent disease in 2 days with a 50 % discount

In order to be confident about your health, promptly determine an incipient disease and prevent serious health pathologies, you need to pass a complex medical checkup once a year.

Even if you don’t feel any complaints about your health, medical checkup may help you to avoid possible health issues, keep calm about your health and save your healthcare expenses.

  • Standards of treatment security, recognized by international commission JCI
  • First private clinic certified by Roszdravnadzor
  • Russian Government reward in the field of quality

Many diseases pass in a non determined format and do not reveal itself for a long time. With appearing of symptoms the prognoses of disease development and illness complications change, the treatment prolongs and does not always give an expected result. Regular medical checkups help to determine risk factors of disease development process and stress them on early stage, take timely preventive measures and treatment as well as prevent development of serious complications. In JSC “Medicina” (clinic of Academician Roytberg) you can get specially developed programs of complex medical health screening for men and women from 18 y.o. with the consideration of age risks and potential health risks. Thousands of foreign patients annually pass successful treatment in JSC “Medicine”, restore health and acquire longevity.

Dorosh Zhanna
Medical Director, head of 2nd clinical department, professor, candidate of medical science, general practitioner

Choose the date of screening

Medical administrator will contact you and approve the most convenient time of the research


Diseases revealed during first stage of appearing are cured in 90% of cases

The most widespread diseases of 21st century passing in a dormant way for a long time:

  • Cardiovascular diseases (ischemic disease, heart attack, stroke etc.) – more than 40% of all deaths, registered in Russia
  • Oncological disease – about 25% of deaths, registered in Russia. The highest mortality indicator due to late diagnostic has lung and stomach cancer.
  • Respiratory disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pneumonia) – around 7% of deaths
  • Diseases of the digestive system (liver sickness and cirrhosis) – around 4% of deaths.

Do not ignore your health – pass the complex medical screening!

In our clinic there are several main programs for the first stage of checkup.

The content of programs is chosen in accordance with the data of scientific researches, clinical experience of evidence-based medicine, expert assessments of the leading specialists in the field of prevention of serious diseases.

The effectiveness of JCS “Medicina” is determined by the best specialists, working on the most modern equipment and using the advanced diagnostic methods.

Complex health status investigation (checkup) for men and women

List of appointments (examinations, aconsultations)  by medical employees, lab tests and other diagnostic procedures, conducted in terms of first stage of complex medical checkup for male and female citizens at different age priods:

  • «Young men wellness»

    Complex investigation for men in the age from 18 to 39 y.o .starting from 47 895 RUB

    The program include complex medical checkup for men from 18 to 38 y.o. During the first appointment with the general practitioner the health status is being determined (anthropometric data, blood pressure, saturation), investigation of the mucous membrane and skin cover, palpation of lymph nodes and thyroid gland, determination of possible group of risk. Consultation of ophthalmologist is realized and includes the measurement of intraocular pressure. The first stage also includes a complex of lab tests (blood and urine tests, determination of biometric parameters) and diagnostic procedures (electrical activity of the heart, spirometry, lung CT, abdominal, kindey and adrenal glands ultra sound)

  • «Men’s health»

    Complex investigation for men in the age from 40 to 64 y.o .starting from 64 355 RUB

    The program include complex medical checkup for men from 40 to 64 y.o. with deep examination of cardiovascular and gastrointestinal tract, immunochemical tests for determination of oncology pathologies.

  • «Age power»

    Complex investigation for men from 65+ y.o. starting from 50 555 RUB

    The program is created in accordance with age particularities and risk factors of disease development elder than 65 y.o. Rapt attention is devoted to the status of cardiovascular system, risks of development of ontological disease, gastrointestinal tract etc.

    Upon request of the patient the complex medical checkup may be conducted with the usage of anesthesia while esophagogastroduodenoscopy.

  • «Woman’s health»

    Complex investigation for women in the age from 18 to 39 y.o. starting from 60 065 RUB

    The unique program of checkups, devoted to complex screening of women from 18 to 38 y.o. being on the top of reproductive functions. The program includes ultra sound of mammary glands, uterus and appendages, examination of obstetrician-gynecologist and cytological examination of smears from cervical canal, external uterine pharynx and neck, which let to determine microflora and state of reproduction organs.

  • «Women 40+»

    Complex investigation for women in the age from 40 to 64 y.o .starting from 78 870 RUB

    The program is devoted for women’s screening in the age from 40 to 64 y.o. The accent in the checkup is made for diagnostic of possible risks of development of oncological and cardiovascular diseases. Obligatory part of the checkup include mammography, recommended for implementation for all women older than 40 y.o.

  • «Women’s wisdom»

    Complex investigation for women in the age from 65+ y.o. starting from 65 070 RUB

    The program is created in accordance with age particularities and risk factors of disease development of women elder than 65 y.o. Rapt attention is devoted to the status of cardiovascular system, risks of development of ontological disease, gastrointestinal tract etc.

How does the complex medical screening pass for men and women?

  • 01
    First stage of complex checkup More
  • 02
    Further examination (according to the indications) More
  • 03
    Health passport with detailed specialist recommendations More

First stage of complex checkup

Complex investigation of health status is conducted in two stages. Firstly a patient needs to perform primary lab tests and diagnostic procedures. Based on the results of the tests general practitioner conduct a medical report with treatment recommendations (if uncover deviations and pathologies).


Further examination (according to the indications)

If the first stage of checkup uncovers any pathologies the second stage is being conducted (according to the indications) in the form of further examination, which allows to determine common picture of patient’s health status.


Health passport with detailed specialist recommendations

Health passport with detailed specialist recommendations According to the results of conducted examination a patient received a health passport with the results of all conducted procedures and detailed recommendation of the leading specialists with huge experience.


If you are planning to start complex medical checkup straight after your visit to JSC “Medicina” (clinic of Academician Roytberg), it’s recommended to come to clinic in the beginning of the working hours. Most of the tests are performed on an empty stomach. We ask you not to eat 8 hours before your arrival to the clinic.


Questions and answers

Work experience 44 years
Surgeon, Doctor of Medicine, European society of surgery Doctor of the highest category, professor, member of the Moscow Surgical Society.
  • What is included into program of complex medical screening for men and women?

    The checkup in JSC “Medicina” (clinic of Academician Roytberg) is conducted in two stages:

    1. Primary examination: implementation of obligatory methods of examinations conducted in order to determine possible chronicle noninfectious diseases (conditions), which can lead to disability or early death.
    2. Further examination: if the first stage uncovers serious indicator’s aberrations we conduct additional researches, in order to establish a more precise picture of patient’s status.

    Each program includes a tool of lab tests and diagnostic procedures, aimed to check the most important health indicators of men or women of concrete age groups.

  • Who and when is recommended to pass complex checkup?

    Complex investigation in terms of our programs of medical checkup is indicated to all adult citizens (men and women) 18 y.o. and elder.

    Main aims of the screening:

    • Body checkup for all possible diseases including on early stage of development with dormant without any explicit symptoms
    • Identification of factors capable to lead to disease development
    • Determination of patient’s health group
    • Establishment of the group of dispensary surveillance
    • Generation of recommendations concerning maintenance of good (satisfactory) health condition for each particular patient.

    Complex medical screening of patient’s health is recommended for all men and women elder than 18 y.o. with different frequency (each 1-5 years, depending on age).

  • Which methodology is implanted while conducting complex medical screening?

    JSC “Medicina” implements leading methodology of examination process, lab tests and diagnostic procedures, which help to estimate full picture of patient’s health. The full list of conducted lab tests and diagnostic procedures for each program you can request from the expat relationship manager of our clinic.

Our doctors

Work experience 16 years
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Pediatrician, PhD (Medicine), member of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia
Work experience 22 years
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Urologist Candidate of Medical Sciences, member of the European Association of Urology and the Russian Society of Urological Oncology
Work experience 17 years
Urologist Candidate of Medical Sciences, member of the European Association of Urology and the Russian Society of Urological Oncology
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expat & medical tourism working specialist