Thyroidectomy is a surgical procedure that involves removing either the entire thyroid gland or one part of it. This operation is carried out after a thorough examination of the patient and only if there are no other options to improve the patient's condition.
Indications for thyroidectomy are:
- thyroid cancer;
- thyroid adenoma;
- large cysts, nodules;
- multinodular goiter;
- Graves’ disease;
- so-called toxic thyroid nodules.
In certain cases, surgery, i.e. thyroidectomy, is an alternative to treatment with radioactive iodine.
Contraindications for thyroidectomy are:
- infections of the acute type;
- certain chronic diseases;
- serious blood clotting problems that cannot be corrected with medication.
A thorough diagnosis and comprehensive examination of the patient's condition is required before an operation can be scheduled. This is a serious intervention into the body, so effective preparation for thyroidectomy is needed to reduce all risks.
Our doctors

Our advantages
Applying to JSC "Medicina" (Academician Roytberg Clinic), you get:
- a detailed diagnosis, which allows you to avoid serious problems;
- treatment based on the individual characteristics of the patient;
- professional treatment with doctors who are constantly improving their knowledge and skills;
- every manipulation or operation carried out under the best possible conditions. Well-equipped rooms, operating theatres, high quality equipment - we offer our patients everything they need for results and recovery;
- the price of thyroidectomy is fully determined by the level of the service.
Varieties of surgeries
If a small part of the gland is removed, it is a subtotal resection. A lobectomy is the removal of one of the lobes (right or left). This intervention partially preserves the functionality of the organ.
Hartley-Dunhill surgery is an intervention in which one of the lobes is removed completely and the other one is partially removed. Finally, a total thyroidectomy involves the complete removal of the gland. This solution is most often used when less radical treatments fail.
In the case of cancer, this procedure is carried out in conjunction with others, e.g. the affected tissue and lymph nodes are also removed.
Preparation for thyroidectomy
Preparation for thyroidectomy begins with a comprehensive examination, which includes:
- blood tests;
- ECG;
- consultations with various specialists;
- review of medications taken;
- prophylactic use of antibiotics (not always).
The operation is always carried out on an empty stomach, so it also involves dietary adjustments. You should also refrain from drinking water 2 hours before the intervention.
The operation is performed under general anaesthesia, it lasts between 45 minutes and 3 hours (depending on its type) and requires an average hospital stay up to 2 days.
The main complication of thyroidectomy is the development of hypothyroidism. Because of this, patients who have undergone such an intervention take special hormone medications for the rest of their lives. However, if all the doctor's recommendations are followed, they can lead full and adequate lives. Calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D are also often needed - it all depends on the situation.
Also, among the consequences of this intervention are often pain in the throat or neck. A few days after the surgery, the pain goes away and no longer bothers the patient. If this does not happen, the patient should get a consultation from his/her doctor.