
Sokolov Denis


Sokolov Denis

Experience 15 year

First category cardiologist, PhD in Medicine, member of the Asute Cardiovascular Care Association (ASSA)

What is arrhythmia, how it manifests itself, how to treat

Arrhythmia is a pathological condition in which the heart rate, rhythm and sequence of heartbeats are disturbed. This is the general name for pathology, it is characterized by any deviation from the normal state of the heart. There are several types of arrhythmias, each of them has its own symptoms, causes. Let's take a closer look at what arrhythmia is, how it manifests itself, how many species exist and how to treat them.

Doctors call the pulse a mirror of the state of the cardiovascular system. According to its condition, you can detect heart problems, regardless of whether it becomes more frequent or, conversely, becomes slower. Pulse is a rhythmic vibration of the heart, this manifestation allows you to determine the state of the vascular system. When the rhythm changes, this condition is called arrhythmia.

Arrhythmia attacks can occur both at a young and old age. Of course, mature people are more vulnerable to heart problems, but even children suffer from arrhythmias. Pathology is congenital or acquired. The second type is more common.

The normal state of the pulse is 60-80 beats per minute. With altered indicators, arrhythmia develops, which can lead to harmful consequences.

Types of arrhythmias

There are several types of arrhythmias. Specialists have studied them in detail; for each type, an individual treatment is selected. Depending on which part of the heart problems are formed, division occurs. In total, there are 3 main types: sinus, ventricular, atrial. Further, they differ in heart rate. The main types of arrhythmias are:

  1. Tachycardia. A condition in which the heart rate exceeds 80 beats. Attacks occur with great physical exertion, this is considered a normal condition. But if the body is calm, and the pulse rate is high, this may indicate pathology.
  2. Bradycardia. A type of arrhythmia in which the heart rate is less than 60 beats per minute. It can occur with normal health, but if the patient feels bad on a regular basis, this indicates the development of pathological processes.
  3. Paroxysmal disorders. This is a condition in which the pulse of a completely healthy person sharply increases, the heart begins to beat so hard that it is impossible to count the beats. As a rule, their frequency reaches 200 beats per minute. This is a type of tachycardia, which can lead to the appearance of severe weakness, general malaise and even loss of consciousness. In this case, immediate medical attention is required, this is a very dangerous condition that can provoke irreversible processes.
  4. Extrasystole. Occurs for no apparent reason. A condition in which a premature contraction is interwoven into the normal rhythm of the heart. This attack occurs due to vegetative-vascular dystonia, with a high level of stress.
  5. Atrial fibrillation of the heart. The most common type. Muscle fibers stop working synchronously due to the fact that an important phase of the heart rhythm disappears - the atrial contraction. Therefore, they twitch or "flicker". The ventricles also start to work out of sync. It is one of the most common heart diseases that affects men and women at almost any age.

If you experience symptoms that indicate an ailment, you should immediately contact a specialist for help and begin a recovery course. Treatment of cardiac arrhythmia is simple, if it is started in a timely manner and all the requirements of specialists are followed. Otherwise, if the disease is ignored, serious pathologies develop, which even lead to death.

Consequences of not treating a dangerous disease

With cardiac arrhythmias, the state of health deteriorates significantly. Shortness of breath, headaches and other signs of arrhythmia occur. But they can pass quickly enough, and the patient immediately forgets about the deteriorating health. However, this syndrome suggests that there is a malfunction in the body, if you do not respond in a timely manner, the cardiovascular system can be severely affected. Let's see what the consequences are with frequent attacks:

  • a state of anxiety and stress develops;
  • the disease contributes to the formation of fainting, there is a risk of falling;
  • the body suffers from blood starvation, all organs suffer from heart disease;
  • dangerous heart ailments develop, such as coronary heart disease and others;
  • there is a chance of getting a stroke;
  • possible sudden cardiac arrest, and, as a result, death.

Regular painful sensations and discomfort in the heart area may indicate the presence of an ailment. Symptoms of arrhythmias are quite pronounced, but people rarely care about their health as soon as they pass. You should not treat yourself like that, in case of suspicion of problems, you should contact a specialist and undergo an examination. With the help of diagnostics, you can easily identify heart disease and prescribe effective treatment. Take care of the main mechanism, the ailment can be cured quickly if help is provided in a timely manner.

Symptoms of arrhythmia

Regular arrhythmias affect the heart, it is important to timely detect cardiac pathology. There are a large number of treatment methods, they are selected depending on the type of cardiac arrhythmia. But first, diagnostics are performed. If you notice that your health is deteriorating, your heart needs help, contact a specialist. You can notice the pathology on your own due to the pronounced symptoms of arrhythmia:

  • sudden weakness appears;
  • the heart begins to beat much faster;
  • chest pain, it feels like this area is being pressed;
  • shortness of breath;
  • dizziness suddenly begins;
  • possible regular loss of consciousness;
  • headaches appear.

Often, patients are unaware that an illness is developing. Symptoms of arrhythmia are similar to other pathologies or simply factors that provoke similar conditions. For example, stress is often attributed to headaches. Chest pain syndrome is referred to as exercise. And the state of sudden loss of consciousness can be attributed to hunger or mental fatigue. However, if there are signs of any attack from the above, you should immediately contact a specialist. We will tell you which doctor to contact for arrhythmias below.

Early signs of heart problems

Cardiac arrhythmia can be an independent pathology or a manifestation of another disease. Regardless of this, an attack of arrhythmia allows you to understand in a timely manner that there are cardiac problems. There are initial manifestations of arrhythmia, paying attention to them, you can help your body protect the heart:

  • headaches became more frequent;
  • the presence of shaking hands syndrome (there is a tremor of the limbs);
  • insomnia occurs;
  • You wake up suddenly with shortness of breath in the middle of the night;
  • the patient stops getting enough sleep, an attack of panic and anxiety is regularly felt;
  • began regular complaints of general health.

All of these signs indicate the presence of heart problems. Cardiac arrhythmia is si m ptomu that are difficult to overlook. Patients who go to the doctor immediately when feeling worsening of health significantly reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular ailments. Our clinic offers to go through the diagnostic stage, which will determine the pathology. A specialist will diagnose and help with an arrhythmia attack. Here you can cure heart arrhythmias.

Causes of arrhythmia

Many people ask themselves: what causes arrhythmia. A person leads a healthy lifestyle, he may have healthy habits, hobbies for active sports. But he still suffers from heart palpitations. The fact is that the cause may be other factors that he does not even know about. Let's see what causes the disease:

  • vegetative vascular dystonia can cause arrhythmia;
  • the presence of pathologies of the sinus node;
  • abnormalities in the activity of the thyroid gland;
  • excess weight;
  • genetic factor;
  • the reasons are hormonal changes in the body;
  • great physical activity;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • damage and pathology of the cardiac system;
  • deviations in the activity of the nervous system;
  • congenital defects;
  • eating fatty foods;
  • lack of sleep;
  • heart failure;
  • uncontrolled use of certain medications;
  • the presence of diabetes mellitus.

This list can be continued for a long time, an attack of rapid heartbeat appears due to many factors. It cannot be ignored, the heart muscle requires treatment. This will be helped by experienced specialists who will stop the onset of seizures and help to get rid of cardiac arrhythmia forever.

How to recognize a seizure

Cardiac arrhythmia is characterized by symptoms that are very easy to notice. But the onset of the attack is not always possible to determine. What to do with seizures and how to recognize them? Let's figure it out.

The initial stages are not very obvious. There is a slight feeling of anxiety and excitement. It seems that there is not enough air. Then slight panic and dizziness begins to appear. The patient often unconsciously puts his hand to the heart, as if feeling the pulse and trying to calm it down. All this indicates the onset of an attack, in no case should you worry, this often worsens the situation. The main task is to call an ambulance. You should go to the hospital. Then the work of doctors begins, they know what to do in case of attacks and how to restore the heart rate.

Arrhythmia Diagnosis

Arrhythmia diagnostics allows you to study in detail the patient's condition, determine the type of arrhythmia and prescribe the most effective treatment methods. In order to understand how to treat cardiac arrhythmias, the doctor must fully examine the patient. For this, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • first, a general examination of the patient is carried out, he talks about seizures and symptoms;
  • heart electrocardiography is performed;
  • ECG during physical exertion;
  • ECG monitoring during the day;
  • an ultrasound of the heart is prescribed;
  • biochemical analysis of blood, urine;
  • sometimes hormonal tests are prescribed for cardiac arrhythmias.

After that, the doctor sees the big picture and can begin treatment for the arrhythmia. The initial task is to eliminate unpleasant sensations, then to strengthen the vascular system.

Additional diagnostics

Sometimes the causes of arrhythmia lie in something completely different. An EKG can show good results, but problems are still present. In this case, additional methods of diagnosing arrhythmia are prescribed to establish a diagnosis, if there are no contraindications to their use. These include:

  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • radiography;
  • MRI of the brain;
  • echocardiography.

So the specialist will be able to understand why the ECG is good, but there are still problems in the cardiac system.

Which doctor should I contact for arrhythmia

The arrhythmia treatment process requires the help of a specialist. You cannot get rid of this disease on your own. But not everyone knows which doctor treats arrhythmia. Let's take a look at who is able to help and where to turn.

Arrhythmia is dealt with by a cardiologist, an arrhythmologist who specializes in this pathology. You may also need the services of a neurologist, therapist, surgeon. If hormonal tests are prescribed, you should consult an endocrinologist. Vascular ailments are eliminated by doctors of various specializations, they help get rid of pathologies. In case of any signs, it is worth contacting experienced specialists.

Our clinic has an excellent reputation thanks to experienced doctors and modern equipment. The doctor will help to maintain health, prevent recurrence of the attack and cure the disease. Choose a specialist and make an appointment. The cost can be found on the website or by phone.

How to treat cardiac arrhythmia

It is quite simple to be treated for this ailment if you start this process in a timely manner and do not interrupt it. It is important to undergo examinations on time, so that a specialist can determine what type of arrhythmias yours belongs to, and prescribe the correct complex for eliminating pathology.

Is the arrhythmia treatable

It is quite possible to eliminate arrhythmia, but this is a pathology that causes side effects if you start it. Therefore, the earlier the procedures are started, the more effective they will be. The treatment is carried out by cardiologists, who prescribe a whole range of actions, including:

  1. The use of medications of a sedative nature. They are usually plant-based. Motherwort, corvalol, valerian capsules, novopassit help well.
  2. Drugs that lower blood pressure.
  3. Beta-blockers, membrane stabilizers, potassium channel blockers.
  4. Useful vitamin complexes (" Riboxin ", " Panangin ", " Magne B6").
  5. Physiological procedures are prescribed depending on the patient's condition. This is a pool, physiotherapy exercises, certain workouts.
  6. A special diet is followed during treatment. The doctor describes in detail which foods should be excluded, and, conversely, what to add to the diet. For example, fatty foods, pork, lard are excluded. You should be careful with tea, coffee, smoking. The diet includes foods rich in potassium. These are dried fruits, honey, banana, black currant. It is also recommended to use parsley, raisins, prunes, cabbage in the diet. Components rich in calcium and magnesium are also included in the diet.

A set of measures to eliminate the ailment includes improving water balance, giving up alcohol and other bad habits. All this helps to stabilize the patient's condition. Of course, in most cases, arrhythmia is eliminated with the help of pharmacological drugs. It is also important to find the root cause of its development.

Cardiac arrhythmia: unconventional treatment

Many people wonder why doctors do not recommend using alternative methods of influencing the body. We are talking about folk recipes. In fact, many specialists prescribe such drugs to eliminate pathologies, but not as the main one, but as an additional effect on the body.

Patients, in turn, try to overcome the disease on their own and decide for themselves what they will accept. As a rule, this leads to a deterioration in health. That is why doctors are skeptical about herbal medicine and traditional methods of healing.

Still, herbal medicine can significantly improve the patient's condition when used correctly. Some herbs are used to create pharmaceuticals. For example, valerian root, motherwort and the like. They show sedative properties, are able to relieve stress, nervous tension, eliminate pain. But the use of herbal medicine is allowed only under the supervision of an experienced specialist. The reason for this is the large number of contraindications for such plants. Valerian root is not always beneficial, it can also do harm.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of herbal products that improve the patient's condition with this ailment. But it is allowed to use them only under the supervision of doctors:

  • tinctures of hawthorn, valerian, motherwort;
  • tincture of indifference;
  • Kirkazon Manchu;
  • evading peony;
  • tincture of calendula;
  • Sesame oil;
  • infusion of safflower leuzea;
  • chicory.

The list of components that help stop this pathology is very long. But it is worth remembering that only a doctor can help in such a situation. Our clinic helps with arrhythmias, contact us and get rid of the disease. We sincerely wish you good health, but desire alone is not enough. Take decisive steps towards good health.

How to quickly eliminate pain syndrome

If negative symptoms appear, you should immediately call an ambulance. We recommend calling our center and ordering an ambulance service. The car will immediately go to your address, you do not have to wait long, the team is always ready to immediately respond to the call. But before the arrival of specialists who will provide emergency assistance, you should take care of your health on your own. These actions will help to significantly alleviate the condition, and possibly save a life:

  1. First, medical attention is called. If you are not able to do this, ask your relatives, neighbors, passers-by.
  2. The heartbeat will return to normal if you press gently on the eyeballs with your fingers. This must be done with moderate strength, hold for a few seconds, and then sharply release the fingers. Repeat the steps a couple of times.
  3. Further induce vomiting. This is done artificially, in no case should you use medications. Drink plenty of purified water and induce vomiting by touching the base of your tongue with your fingers. This action is often life-saving.
  4. The patient should take a deep breath and exhale as much as possible. After that, the nose is pinched, the mouth is closed and the breath is held for a few seconds. It's not worth being in this state for a long time. Sometimes dizziness occurs, so this exercise should be done by the bed or while sitting.
  5. Provide air intake, open the window, release the collar if the throat is tight with a tie or other clothing.
  6. Calm down, often unnecessary panic only exacerbates the situation. Drink cool water in small sips.
  7. The use of anti-stress helps very well. It can be any object that is easy to squeeze, bend, but not hurt yourself. It distracts from the current situation, removes the feeling of panic and fear.

These techniques are quite simple, everyone can help themselves. As a rule, the condition stabilizes, and many patients refuse to be hospitalized or from specialists. It is undesirable to make such a decision, it is better to seek help from doctors and find out what caused this situation.

What are the indications for the treatment of arrhythmia

Indications for treatment are factors such as:

  • regular heartache;
  • limb tremor syndrome;
  • insomnia;
  • predisposition to heart ailments;
  • frequent panic;
  • anxiety;
  • dyspnea.

Experienced specialists with extensive experience are engaged in treatment in our center. You are in good hands.


Under certain conditions, this disease has contraindications. It cannot be eliminated with pharmacological drugs or other effective methods. Here are the most common contraindications:

  • development of dyspeptic phenomena such as nausea, vomiting, severe abdominal pain;
  • allergic reactions to pharmacological drugs;
  • acute form of myocardial infarction;
  • organ damage;
  • persistent hypotension;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • severe pathologies of the kidneys, liver;
  • cardiosclerosis.

Heart disease needs to be fought, in the presence of such deviations, it is somewhat more difficult to do this. However, it will still be possible to get rid of the disease, experts will select other methods of influencing the disease.


It is easy to eliminate cardiac arrhythmias in our medical center. Our doctors have been dealing with cardiac pathologies for many years, conducting successful therapy and completely restoring the health of patients. The price for services varies depending on their range. Check out the cost of the initial examination and basic services. You can find out the prices in detail by phone, call us, and the consultant will answer all your questions.

Treatment of cardiac arrhythmias in our clinic

In our center, you can cure cardiac arrhythmias. It is not difficult to do this, you will be assisted by professional doctors with extensive experience. Treatment of cardiac arrhythmias in our clinic has the following advantages:

  • Experienced team of specialists. Doctors regularly attend scientific conferences, consult with foreign colleagues.
  • Professional equipment. We use modern certified technology that allows us to carry out very complex heart surgeries and effectively eliminate pathologies.
  • Convenient location. The medical center is located in Moscow, near the Mayakovskaya metro station.
  • We work on weekends and holidays.
  • Courteous staff and personalized service. We have no queues, you will not have to wait long for a doctor, because your own curator will be assigned.
  • Convenient access to the patient's card. With the help of the Internet, you can get acquainted with the history of your illness, follow the changes.
  • Excellent service. We have done everything to make the patient feel as comfortable as possible. Comfortable rooms, equipment, service.

Timely referral to specialists prolongs life and makes it active. Call us, make an appointment. We wish you good health from the bottom of our hearts.

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