Delay of menstruation

Matveeva Ekaterina

District gynecologist, gynecologist-surgeon (SOD)

Matveeva Ekaterina

Experience 11 year


A delay in menstruation is a failure of the menstrual cycle, which can be noticed by the absence of critical days in a period of 35 days. The symptom can occur at any age, since many reasons can lead to it.

If the discharge does not appear within 5-7 days, after which it makes itself felt, this is not a pathology. In the event that the failure lasts longer or occurs more than once, you should make an appointment with the gynecologist.


There is only one sign of a delay in menstruation - their absence. However, you should carefully consider your condition and observe your well-being. Additional symptoms may indicate the cause of the failure. These include headaches, sudden weight gain or loss, nausea, increased sensitivity in the chest, general physical weakness, and others.

Main reasons


There can be a lot of reasons for the delay in menstruation, but most often the delay occurs during pregnancy. So, if the critical days do not come, you should first do a pregnancy test (sold at any pharmacy). For the most accurate result, it is recommended to purchase 2-3 tests from different companies at once.

During pregnancy, a woman may feel mild nausea, sudden changes in mood, soreness in the chest area and swelling. The absence of additional signs does not exclude pregnancy.

In addition to the test, you can take an analysis for the content of chorionic gonadotropic hormone (hCG) in the body, which will give a more accurate answer.

If both examinations show the absence of pregnancy, and menstruation does not occur, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist as soon as possible to identify the exact cause.

Gynecological diseases

Ectopic pregnancy, polycystic ovaries, tumors in the female genital area, inflammation in the pelvic area - all this can lead to a malfunction of the menstrual cycle.

Most of these diseases require urgent diagnosis and treatment, so do not hesitate to visit a gynecologist.

Powerful stress

The symptom of a delay in menstruation can provoke serious emotional or physical stress, mental overload, and lack of rest.

Often, it is the failure of the menstrual cycle that overvoltage is manifested. Thus, the woman's body screams for help, and if it is not heard, other ailments may be added to the delay.

Climate change

A flight from a hot country to a cold one and vice versa, accompanied by a sharp change in sleep and wakefulness, often also entails a disruption in the menstrual cycle.

In most cases, the situation will normalize on its own over time.

Wrong food

The standard rate of delay in menstruation of 5-7 days can also be a call from the body for help if a failure is caused by adherence to a strict diet.

Many women who want to quickly lose extra pounds often forget about health in pursuit of harmony. Any diet should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. In addition, in no case should you enter the diet abruptly, since a rapid entrance entails stress for the body.

Therefore, it is important to balance your diet, preferably with a professional dietitian.

Hormonal changes in the body

A common cause of delayed menstrual periods is thyroid-related hormonal disruption. This is especially true during puberty or the menopause threshold.

The same applies to long-term use, and then a sharp cessation of hormonal drugs.

In this case, the gynecologist may recommend an endocrinologist's consultation.

Postpartum period

During pregnancy and for some time after childbirth, women experience a lack of menstruation.

One should not forget about the need for contraception after childbirth, since the absence of critical days does not mean the exclusion of unwanted pregnancy. The first ovulatory cycle, as a rule, begins imperceptibly for a woman, and without proper protection, she has a great chance of becoming pregnant.


Having found in yourself a long delay of critical days, as well as brown discharge with a delay in menstruation, you need to seek help from a specialist.

In the process of diagnosis, the following techniques are used:

  • standard gynecological examination;
  • donating blood to the level of hCG, as well as the study of hormones of the pituitary gland, ovaries;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • MRI and CT of the brain (in rare cases, if necessary).

It is advisable to conduct the examination in the same clinic where the specialist takes. The fact is that the analyzes of each laboratory have their own reference values, and the equipment - indicators. So the doctor will know exactly what is happening with the patient's body.

In the absence of problems from the point of view of gynecology, the doctor may refer you to a nutritionist, endocrinologist or psychotherapist for consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Delayed menstruation: what to do?

If the delay is more than 5-7 days, a pregnancy test should be done (if intercourse has taken place) and make an appointment with a gynecologist.

Is it possible to cause menstruation at home?

Any independent action can seriously harm health and, in particular, the reproductive system. It is strictly forbidden to do anything without the prior consent of your doctor.

How many days can there be a delay in menstruation?

The normal period for delay is 5-7 days one time. If the situation repeats, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

Can I speed up my periods?

It is impossible to speed up their appearance without harming your health. Any stimulation can be fraught with serious complications.

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