
Gutorova Natalia

General practitioner (family doctor)

Gutorova Natalia

Experience 20 year


Fever is a temporary increase in body temperature due to illness. Painful appearance indicates the presence of the disease. Redness of the skin with headache, aches, confusion directly indicates the presence of fever.

What is fever and how to treat it?

Fever requires stabilization of body temperature and general condition:

  • taking medications to lower the temperature;
  • bed rest to improve the general condition;
  • taking liquid food in small portions to reduce energy expenditure;
  • drinking to prevent dehydration;
  • taking antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

To reduce the temperature of the patient, wipe with cool water and give plenty of fluids.

Diagnosis and causes of the disease

If there are signs of fever for several days, you should consult a specialist. The clinic of JSC Medicine offers to undergo diagnostics in its own center for treatment. After the appointment of procedures, the patient will bring the body to its initial state. All research and treatment is guaranteed to be safe and anonymous. Booking online or by phone.

The fever is characterized by:

  • redness on the skin;
  • inflammation of the eyeballs;
  • sweating;
  • headache;
  • aches;
  • loss of appetite;
  • drowsiness.

Patients report increased heart rate and breathing.

Classification of fever by temperature level

Fever is classified according to the level of body temperature:

  • subfebrile from 37.2 to 37.9 degrees;
  • febrile from 38.0 to 38.9 degrees;
  • pyretic from 39.0 to 40.9 degrees;
  • hyperpyretic from 41.0 degrees.

Starting with a febrile temperature, medical intervention is recommended. Fever indicates the presence of problems in the body. An increase in temperature helps to produce antibodies for protection. After the temperature drops, a diagnosis is required to clarify the causes and monitor the body's immune response.

Clinic JSC Medicine solves issues of any complexity. Thanks to modern equipment and unique methods of treatment, doctors achieve a positive result in treatment.

Questions and answers

By what signs can you understand that a person has a fever?

An increase in temperature from 37.2 degrees with chills due to overheating or cooling indicates the presence of fever. Pathology increases in the absence of treatment. In the absence of diagnosis, the patient runs the risk of moving into the chronic phase of the disease, and after it to death.

What should I do if I have a fever?

Bed rest is recommended to reduce fever. Rubbing and drinking plenty of water has a beneficial effect on the body and helps to reduce the temperature. If the temperature is below 38 degrees, then it does not need to be lowered, because the body produces antibodies to fight infectious diseases.

Is fever dangerous and what are the consequences?

A fever with a temperature of up to 38 degrees is not dangerous. When the temperature rises accompanied by chills, aches, lethargy, this requires immediate medical attention. Impaired coordination can lead to febrile convulsions and loss of consciousness, which directly indicates toxic damage to the brain.

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