Emerging Trends in Diabetes Care

Diabetes mellitus is a serious chronic disease that affects millions of people around the world. Disorders in the thyroid gland significantly reduce the quality of life and force patients to constantly take medications. In an attempt to improve the existing situation, more and more new methods of treatment are being developed, full-scale research is being carried out by scientists from different countries.

Earlier, the diagnosis of "diabetes mellitus" sounded like a sentence, since the disease made huge adjustments to a person's usual lifestyle. Now, despite the need to constantly monitor their health, a patient with diabetes can lead a normal life, adhering to only a few general restrictions.

In recent years, the methods of treatment have not undergone dramatic changes; they are also aimed at stimulating the body's own reserves. But with the development of medicine, the quality of life of patients with diabetes has improved significantly. The main innovations in recent years include:

● innovative methods of insulin delivery. Traditional injections are a thing of the past, now there are special inhalers and dispensers that allow you to instantly deliver an accurate dose of insulin in a fast-acting form. There are also dispensers with an implantable catheter, which automatically measures blood sugar levels, independently determines the required dose of the drug and injects it into the blood. An insulin inhaler provides the drug through the mucous membrane, so that insulin enters the body instantly and immediately begins to act;

● devices for measuring sugar levels. The use of a glucometer is associated with the need to take blood samples, therefore, electronic bracelets have been developed that continuously monitor this indicator in the blood and inform about critical situations;

● new methods of treatment, including donor cell transplantation. This method is suitable for some patients with rare forms of diabetes mellitus;

● gene therapy.

The greatest risk group is made up of people in whose family there were relatives with this disease. However, the number of people with acquired diabetes is increasing every year. Over the past few years, a vaccine has been actively tested, which will prevent the development of pathology. Its action is aimed at preventing and slowing down the destruction of cells in the pancreas.