How to protect yourself from coronavirus on vacation
How to protect yourself from coronavirus on vacation
Vacation and the coronavirus are one of the hottest topics during a pandemic. Despite the fear of illness, many people do not want to sacrifice the opportunity to take a break from their hard working days. It is quite possible to protect yourself from covid in the conditions of gradually opening borders to resort countries if you follow certain precautions. Knowing the basic rules of behavior in public places will reduce the risk to a minimum, even in a country with high incidence rates.
Doctors believe that there is a danger of infection both on vacation and on the road. Trains and airplanes are as crowded places as urban infrastructure. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from covid, you must follow a number of simple recommendations:
- l during the flight, you must always wear a mask and regularly disinfect your hands, as in an enclosed space, the risk of infection is especially high. The mask should be changed every couple of hours;
- l staying at a hotel, you should avoid close contact with other vacationers: use the stairs instead of the elevator, choose the tables in restaurants farthest from people, refrain from visiting group excursions. Many hotels have abandoned the buffet and outdoor pools, and also provided tourists with a contactless check-in service;
- l stay away from other people on the beach as well. The sea breeze on the shore reduces the risk of contracting the virus, but this possibility should not be completely ruled out;
- l do not forget to disinfect sun loungers and umbrellas, for this, there should always be wet wipes and an antiseptic in your beach bag;
- l the virus dies in salt water, so you can swim safely without fear of infection. But you shouldn't approach other floating ones;
- l if you plan to rent a car, it is better not only to treat the interior surfaces with an antiseptic, but also to use protective gloves while driving;
- l regular temperature measurement and health monitoring. the slightest discomfort is a serious reason to see a doctor in order to protect yourself and those around you.
Despite the fact that compliance with the above rules will most likely save you from the virus, it is better to play it safe and get vaccinated before leaving. Recently, it has become possible to see the assessments of visitors on the observance of security measures on hotel search services. A careful study of the future holiday destination will make it possible to do everything so that vacation and coronavirus do not become synonymous.