Screening program "Oncopoisk"
Despite the fact that oncological diseases do not occupy the first place in the structure of morbidity and among the causes of death, the fear of a diagnosis is great and forces us, often, to take the position of an "ostrich" - it is better not to know ...
But today the situation is changing dramatically, since new minimally invasive organ-preserving methods of surgical treatment have appeared, and new drugs, and modern possibilities of radiation therapy, which really affect the prognosis of survival in case of oncological disease.
The aim of the programs offered by our clinic is to detect the disease at an early stage
The programs "Oncopoisk" JSC "Medicine" for men and women consist of 2 stages
First stage - 1 day.
Reception of a therapist.
Screening tests - a minimum set of diagnostic tests:
clinical blood test,
chest x-ray,
tumor markers.
For women, consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist, mammography, cytological examination is also provided.
For men - consultation with a surgeon, determination of PSA.
Stage two (for medical reasons).
Formation by a general practitioner of an individual extended list of diagnostic studies, including such methods of radiation diagnostics as CT, MRI, PET / CT, endoscopic methods, etc.