Coloproctology outpatient clinic
Doctors coloproctologists of JSC «Medicine» (clinic of academician Roytberg) manage health problems of the anus, the rectum and the colon, the perineum and the coccygeal area. We offer comprehensive treatment programs and consultations of specialists in this field of medicine. All our Doctors have the necessary equipment and have mastered all modern methods of diagnostics and treatment of intimate health problems. All the procedures can be done in inpatient and outpatient conditions on any day of the week. Today coloproctology has at its disposal a wide spectrum of techniques and technologies for diagnostics, treatment and prevention of these diseases, therefore, a timely visit to a specialist will help solve any existing problem quickly and gain back your quality of life.
Our Doctors perform various medical tests, i.e. ultrasonography, colonoscopy, anoscopy, proctosigmoidoscopy and others as part of the comprehensive diagnostics of the patient’s condition. We care, above all, about the patient’s comfort. All investigations are performed in a quiet, intimate setting so as not to leave any unpleasant impressions.
Diagnostics plays an important role in coloproctology and our Doctorsachieve excellent due to accurate diagnostics of various conditions. In difficult cases, we offer joint consultations with participation of leading Russian experts in coloproctology, academicians of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences as well as foreign professionals.
Treatment Ways and Methods in Coloproctology
The specialists of the coloproctology department of the Clinic at JSC «Medicine» (clinic of academician Roytberg) use a wide range of medical protocols and regimens including pharmacotherapy, endoscopy, and surgery. Our Doctors will help you get rid of anal fissures, proctitis, hemorrhoids, condylomas, fistulas, anal polyps, dysbacteriosis and other diseases.
The Doctors are ready to use all technological resources in order to provide effective treatment and help the patient feel better as soon as possible. Seek medical advice at the department if you have the least signs of ill-being in order to start your treatment and return to your normal lifestyle as soon as possible.
Coloproctology is a branch of medicine requiring an especially delicate and careful approach to the patient’s problems. Our highly qualified Doctors at our clinic in Moscow specializing in coloproctology are always ready to put forth every effort to establish a diagnosis and provide effective treatment. Our empathetic and friendly specialists will help dispel fears and concerns before the diagnostics. They will patiently and tactfully encourage, becalm the patient, and instill confidence in success of all undertaken medical interventions.
When they come to the clinic, each patient is assigned a physician-case manager who will prescribe the necessary testing and select the therapy taking into account specific features of the patient’s disease.