

As of late rheumatic diseases have been diagnosed increasingly frequently even in young people. They affect mainly the joints and thereby worsen the life quality of the individual who loses his or her working capacity, experiences constant pain and discomfort. Rheumatic diseases are treated by a physician-rheumatologist. Our clinic has a cutting-edge Rheumatologic Department, which provides diagnostic and health-improving services. Our highly qualified specialists will help you get rid of diseases and pain, and restore the motor activity as is best possible. 

Treatment in rheumatology

The primary examination of the patient includes obtaining the case history, prescription of diagnostic investigations which allow to assess the degree of joint involvement, diagnose the immune status and reveal peculiarities of the inflammatory process. The modern diagnostic equipment of the department (ultrasound investigations, MRI, X-ray) is used to diagnose rheumatic diseases.

Many chronic diseases of the joints develop asymptomatically and are manifested when it is already quite difficult to treat the disease. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo preventive examinations and treatment if you experience the least signs of discomfort not waiting for development of the disease. Schedule a visit to a rheumatologist already today! A timely doctor’s consultation will allow to reveal joint problems before it is too late and start the fight against the disease immediately. 


The peculiarity of rheumatic diseases involving the joints consists in their chronic course, in which exacerbations periods alternate with remission periods. Therefore, these diseases require adequate and long-term complex treatment. Some abnormalities occur very early, from childhood and adolescent age, and when the condition becomes chronic it may lead to disability. Rheumatology includes long-term therapy and permanent administration of different drugs aimed at treatment of rheumatic diseases. After an examination and tests, our specialists will prescribe effective treatment including exercise therapy, a manual therapy course, and pharmacotherapy.

Schedule a preliminary appointment by calling: +7 (495) 775-73-60. JSC Meditsina (Academician Roytberg’s Clinic) provides a wide range of medical services at a high quality level. 

Make an appointment in JSC Medicine

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Call JSC «Medicine» (clinic of academician Roytberg), and our employees will answer all your questions


JSC Meditsina employs highly qualified Doctors-rheumatologists. Let them help you get rid of articular diseases and their symptoms. 

Врач Olga Berezhko
General practitioner
Experience 39 year
Board Certified General Practitioner (Highest Category), member of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Internal Medicine
To make an appointment


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