

Modern sexology allows to solve various problems of human sexual life. Our specialists of our Clinic in Moscow will tactfully help understand the current situation and offer the optimum ways for its solution. A timely visit to the doctor can help you return harmony to sexual relations with the opposite sex. Today sexual drive and libido problems can be provoked both by human health disorders and psychologic factors. To this end, sexology uses a comprehensive assessment of the patient’s health. The men are examined by the urologist-andrologist who investigates the patient’s physiologic disorders, after that the patient consults the sexologist-psychotherapist. Today sexology allows to get rid of many problems which had been considered unsolvable earlier. 

Psychotherapy of Sexual Disorders

An experienced specialist in sexology can find and eliminate complexes, sexual emotions which are not realized by the individual him(her)self but which are a cause for different psychologic problems.

The specialists-sexologists of JSC Meditsina (Academician Roytberg’s Clinic) will help get rid of erection disorders, diminished potency, absence of sexual drive. Many men are familiar with the performance anxiety neurosis that worsens their life quality and does not allow to enjoy sex in full measure. The normal sexual life is as important for every human as physical and psychologic wellbeing. But problems may occur in any man irrespective of his age or physical condition. More than half of such cases are associated just with the psychologic component. These problems can be eliminated quite easily but this is possible only with the help of the experienced specialist who will begin effective treatment early.

The specialists-sexologists of JSC Meditsina can also help the women with problems of sexual dysfunctions and consult all who wish to improve their knowledge in the sexual sphere.

The patients of the Clinic include also:

  • couples with different problems in their relations; 
  • young couples experiencing difficulties at the initial stages of sexual life; 
  • women in the postpartum period experiencing sexual disorders or wishing to avoid them; 
  • women of mature age who need a consultation on age-related changes in sexual orientation; 
  • women having difficulties in achieving orgasm or have painful sensations during or after sexual intercourse; 
  • couples with different sexual temperament.
Make an appointment in JSC Medicine

Need a consultation?

Call JSC «Medicine» (clinic of academician Roytberg), and our employees will answer all your questions


Sexology investigates delicate spheres of human life, therefore, our specialists guarantee the patient’s confidentiality and can offer anonymous visits.

Врач Olga Berezhko
General practitioner
Experience 39 year
Board Certified General Practitioner (Highest Category), member of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Internal Medicine
To make an appointment


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