Treatment of Infertility and IVF

Statistical data of the World Health Organization show that 8% of married couples struggle with fertility issues. Sterile marriages are caused by female organism dysfunction in 40–50% of cases and male organism dysfunction in 50–60% of cases. Therefore, it is important to examine both marriage partners simultaneously.

Advances of medicine and modern science, deep study of the problem allow to fight against the ailment successfully, and the most important thing is to consult specialists in good time.

Although today assisted reproductive technologies allow patients more than 40 years of age to become happy parents, you should bear in mind that age is one of the main factors lowering the possibility to overcome infertility with the help of the IVF method.

Method of In Vitro Fertilization

The first successful in vitro fertilization (IVF) was performed in 1977 in the UK The procedure has improved significantly over several decades, and today this type of fertilization is one of the main ways to manage infertility.

Performing the in vitro fertilization is regulated by Order No. 67 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The law states that this method can be used for treatment of any form of infertility; artificial fertilization can be provided to married couples and single women.

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Diagnostics and treatment of infertility, methods and technologies

Effective treatments and diagnostics of infertility can be performed at the Center. In the process of treatment, we use such methods and technologies as: 

  • standard IVF method;
  • IVF using intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) to fertilize oocytes;
  • IVF with donor gametes (donor oocytes, donor sperm);;
  • IVF with surrogate maternity;
  • genetic diagnosis before implantation;
  • embryo, oocyte and spermatozoon cryopreservation;;
  • artificial insemination with husband’s or donor’s sperm in the natural and induced menstrual cycle;
  • surgical methods for obtaining spermatozoa in case of obstruction form of azoospermia;
  • double embryo transfer.

IVF at the Center: Special Considerations

The treatment of infertility is our priority specialization, which necessitates a comprehensive approach: we bring together advances of global medicine, which are used by leading specialists of our country. In treatment of such pathology as infertility, our Clinic uses an individual approach to diagnostics of both marriage partners before their inclusion in the IVF program in order to find the cause of infertility, diagnose and treat the pathologies, which led to infertility.

We are ready to provide our patients 100% quality guarantees, which cannot be provided by all IVF centers in Russia.

The Meditsina Center for Treatment of Infertility provides a unique service: culturing the embryos of each patient in a separate incubator what allows to ensure stable optimum conditions for the embryo’s development outside the mother’s body without which the IVF program effectiveness decreases greatly.

All the above features allow us to provide care to patients in sterile marriage at a high level: effectiveness of problem treatment at our center is 48% per IVF program. 


Врач Olga Berezhko
General practitioner
Experience 39 year
Board Certified General Practitioner (Highest Category), member of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Internal Medicine
To make an appointment

Diagnostics and effective treatment at our Center are performed by experienced specialists.

Why It Is Convenient to Treat Infertility at Our Center

  • Consultations are available at the time convenient for the patient..
  • We provide high-quality services at reasonable prices.
  • For patients who need consultations of other specialists, our Clinic can use the services of highly-qualified staff Doctors.
  • Our courteous staff and comfortable rooms contribute significantly to achieving out joint goal.

At JSC «Medicine» (clinic of academician Roytberg) Clinic, the percentage of successful pregnancies achieved after the first IVF procedure is on average from 48 to 60%. This is a very high indicator exceeding that of many Russian and even foreign clinics. Visit our Clinic in Moscow; at the diagnostic session, you will learn about every detail of the IVF process, cover all stages of the treatment and get a detailed consultation.


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