Exercise Therapy

Many people believe that exercise therapy is restricted to exercises with a ball and a broomstick but this is not so. This direction in medicine has made great strides, and is known today as “kinesiology.” .

Лечебная физкультура

Kinesiology (“study of body movements”) is an integral approach to treating balance problems and improving interaction between human energy systems. The use of muscular testing helps to determine those zones where blocks or disbalances affects human physical, emotional and energy well-being. The same method helps determine the factors influencing the appearance of such a disbalance.

As is often the case, we promise ourselves to do exercises every day, for example, for back pain relief but we do them wrong, this may be painful and difficult and we stop our sessions without any result. But modern methods work wonders. 

Kinesiotherapy with the Exarta Unit

Staff at JSC «Medicine» (clinic of academician Roytberg) (Academician Roytberg’s Clinic) use a highly effective Exarta method. The unit can be fixed in any position to eliminate any pain sensations and that is what motivates patients to train regularly. Increasing the exercise load gradually, the patient will recover fully and forget about his or her pain, and this is a kind of wonder. 

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Advantages of Exarta kinesiotherapy at JSC «Medicine» (clinic of academician Roytberg) (Academician Roytberg’s Clinic)

Chronic pain, injuries and lack of physical activity may result in problems with neuromuscular regulation. Finally, the muscles function poorly creating incorrect movement patterns, which are repeated day after day and cause constant pain. Rehabilitation with the help of Exarta kinesiotherapeutic unit is an absolutely new approach to remedial treatment.


  • The instructor uses the Exarta unit to perform diagnostics and finds problem areas, i.e. those weakened muscles of the kinetic chain which disturb the correct movement pattern which causes pain.

  • The effect of gravitation is practically completely reduced. The exercises for muscle and joint relaxation are selected, and pain sensations are relieved, intervertebral disc compression is eliminated, and ligaments and muscles are relaxed and stretched in patients with the acute pain syndrome.

  • The next stage includes exercising weakened muscles and involving kinetic muscular chains to assist with integral functioning and recovery of correct patterns for all human movements.

  • Exarta kinesiotherapy is an effective replacement for expensive osteopathic methods and exercise complexes, which are ineffective if they are done incorrectly. It is your “guide” to the healthy body without muscle cramps or any untrained zones, allowing you to be free from pain and discomfort.

  • At JSC «Medicine» (clinic of academician Roytberg) (Academician Roytberg’s Clinic), this method is used by experienced instructors, who can diagnose and treat concomitant symptoms to achieve impressing medical rehabilitation results.

  • Musculoskeletal diseases (spinal osteochondrosis, dorsalgia, coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis of 1st and 2nd degree, segmental spinal instability (cervical and lumbosacral sections of the spine), humeroscapular periarthrosis, scoliosis, posture disorders, discal hernias with reflex muscular syndromes);

  • Functional musculoskeletal disorders (pain sensations around major joints and the vertebral column with functional disorders, movement restrictions in the vertebral column and major joints).

You may receive a referral for kinesiotherapy with the Exarta unit after a consultation of a physiotherapist of JSC «Medicine» (clinic of academician Roytberg) (Academician Roytberg’s Clinic), who will tell you which other methods of modern rehabilitation medicine it can be combined with.

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF-Therapy)

PNF-therapy as a health-improving rehabilitation method that leads to activation of “flabby,” weak muscles. In contrast to other manual techniques, here the patient does the correct movement and the Doctor controls the process. The individual approach allows to train the “weakened” muscles and decrease the compensation provided by “stronger” muscles. This method is at the border between manual medicine and exercise therapy, and complements them effectively.


  • recovery after cerebrovascular accidents, craniocerebral and spinal cord injuries;

  • recovery after surgeries on the brain and the spinal cord;

  • rehabilitation after injuries of extremities;

  • degenerative diseases of the vertebral column and extremity joints;

  • posture disorders;

  • hypermobility of the joints and vertebral motor segments.

The method allows to stimulate the function of any body part by nor exercising it directly but through other (possibly, heathier) parts of the body. This is important, e.g., in the case of a pain syndrome when it is necessary to relax the muscles in the pain area. PNF therapy is also used in patients with extremity immobilization to prevent them from getting muscular dystrophia.

You may receive a referral for PNF therapy after a consultation of the physiotherapist at JSC «Medicine» (clinic of academician Roytberg) (Academician Roytberg’s Clinic), who will tell you with which other methods of modern rehabilitation medicine this method can be combined.


It is an interesting training routine, which combines strengthening of deep muscle layers and myofascial release.

You can do the following in just 30–40 minutes of SMART-CORE exercise:

  • relax and stretch nearly all muscles and fascia;

  • train and strengthen practically all muscle groups;

  • enhance mobility and flexibility of joints;

  • remove muscle strain and constriction caused by sedentary lifestyle.

Another benefit of this training consists in strengthening of CORE muscles (an entire set of muscles which are responsible for stabilization of the pelvis, the hip and the vertebral column).

Despite the fact that the middle part of the training session contains hard and strenuous exercises, their correct combination with relaxation phases will not lead to muscle fatigue or pronounced tiredness at the end of the training session. As a result, you will experience a surge of energy.

You may receive a referral for SMART-CORE exercises after seeing a physiotherapist at JSC «Medicine» (clinic of academician Roytberg) (Academician Roytberg’s Clinic) who will tell you which other methods of modern rehabilitation medicine it can be combined with..

Soft Manual Therapy Techniques Postisometric Relaxation

Have you ever experienced pain in the back or joints? You can manage it much easier than you think. Postisometric relaxation is based on soft manual therapy techniques for enhancing the mobility of the vertebral column and joints, restoring elasticity of muscles and ligaments. Underlying this method is a remarkable physiologic mechanism, which decreases muscle hypertonia. Manual techniques create conditions helping muscles to relax.

The postisometric muscle relaxation method restores full freedom of movements in blocked and immobile joints, relieves chronic dull pains and spastic muscle tension.

You will feel pleasant relaxation and lightness of gait and experience full freedom of movement after a postisometric relaxation session.

Postisometric relaxation is an effective method for relaxing the muscles located even in deeper segments of the musculoskeletal system.

You may receive a referral for postisometric relaxation after a consultation of the physiotherapist at JSC «Medicine» (clinic of academician Roytberg) who will tell you which other methods of modern rehabilitation medicine it can be combined with.

Fitness Training

Fitness training for strengthening muscles and keeping them in shape is a final stage in the process of medical rehabilitation. Instructors at ordinary fitness clubs are trained only in general physical exercise. Taking an incorrect approach to training sessions may do harm to patients with chronic diseases, e.g., osteochondrosis. But pain may return if the person stops exercising and leads a sedentary lifestyle. What should be done? A solution is available! Try fitness with top-level instructors at a health care facility.

JSC «Medicine» (clinic of academician Roytberg) (Academician Roytberg’s Clinic) has a well-equipped fitness hall where experienced instructors with medical education will help you build your dream of a body, become healthier, eliminate stress and fatigue. And all this is possible in downtown Moscow at an international level clinic.

You may get a referral for fitness training after a consultation with the physiotherapist of the JSC «Medicine» (clinic of academician Roytberg) (Academician Roytberg’s Clinic) who will tell you which other methods of modern rehabilitation medicine it can be combined with.


Врач Olga Berezhko
General practitioner
Experience 39 year
Board Certified General Practitioner (Highest Category), member of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Internal Medicine
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