3D and 4D Ultrasound
Recently, a new method of ultrasound diagnostics, three - dimensional ultrasound, has become increasingly popular both among patients and doctors, which significantly expands diagnostic capabilities, while remaining the same safe and reliable method.
There are several medical indications for 3D ultrasound:
- Gynecology: determining the state of ovarian cystic formations and components of ovarian cysts and cysts.
- Traumatology: clarification of the degree and injury of the knee menisci.
- Surgery: to clarify the anatomical location of the tumor in relation to the vascular bundle - to determine the connection of the formations with the surrounding tissues and vessels.
- Endocrinology: in order to clarify the structure of the masses and to solve the volume of the operational manual.
- Urology: determination of the state and location of the formations of the prostate gland, which have a solid structure (suspicious for an abscess), and their relationship with the surrounding tissues.
- Ophthalmology: determination of the state of the eyeball, vitreous humor during its detachment, the condition of the retina, determination of the degree of damage in case of eye injuries.
- Angiosurgery: location, prevalence, structure of atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries; determination of the degree and level of fixation of blood clots to the walls of blood vessels.
- Obstetrics: if there is a questionable genetic test.
The combination of qualified 2D and 3D ultrasound is a unique diagnostic method in obstetrics.
Three-dimensional research data provide additional information, which is especially important for the diagnosis of certain malformations: face, spinal column, limbs.
This is an ideal identification of intrauterine fetal anomalies, as thanks to the three-dimensional image doctors can assess the different parts of the body of the fetus in three dimensions simultaneously.
In addition to medical purposes, three-dimensional ultrasound allows the expectant mother to see an image of her child close to a photograph, and with the help of 4D ultrasound (three-dimensional image in real time, where the fourth dimension is time), you can get a video of his movements, forming a video archive even before his birth.
Conclusions 3D and 4D ultrasound are issued to patients on the day of the study both on paper with photographs attached, and on CD-ROM.
The safety of this research method has been studied by scientists from all over the world, and today their conclusion is unambiguous: even with frequent use of 3D and 4D ultrasound will not cause the slightest harm to the body.