Histologic examination of bioptic and surgical material

Research is carried out as soon as possible

  • The time from the moment the material arrives at the laboratory to the issuance of the pathomorphological conclusion is less than one day. This will allow you to get rid of the psychological stress associated with the expectation of results, and, if necessary, prescribe treatment earlier.;
  • in special and urgent cases - less than four hours;
  • urgent investigations on CITO are carried out within 30 minutes.
Histologic analysis in Moscow

You can be sure of the quality of the research

  • The histological laboratory of JSC "Medicina" Clinic (Professor Roytberg Clinic) is equipped with the most modern equipment from leading foreign manufacturers from Japan and Germany. 
  • The laboratory uses only high quality imported consumables and chemical reagents (standardized, licensed). 
  • The manufacturing process of histological preparations is almost completely automated.
  • Consultations of pathomorphological (histological) preparations and conclusions made in other health care facilities are carried out. 
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Call JSC «Medicine» (clinic of academician Roytberg), and our employees will answer all your questions

In order to improve the level and quality control of histological diagnostics of oncological diseases, the clinic has organized and constantly operates a system of consultations by leading specialists of the pathomorphological department of the Moscow Oncological Research Institute. P.A. Herzen.

According to the orders and instructions of the Ministry of Health, organs and tissues removed by any invasive method must be subjected to morphological examination. Failure to follow this principle puts the patient at risk.

The doctor recommends that you do a histological examination. What for? What does it do?

Histological examination is based on microscopic examination of fragments of organs and tissues obtained from a patient from a pathological focus.

The importance of histological examination can hardly be overestimated. Pathomorphological diagnosis determines the tactics and method of treatment, observation, prognosis of the disease, allows you to control the effectiveness of treatment. But the preventive direction is especially important - the identification of early, sometimes preclinical, forms of pathology, diagnosis of previous background changes


Врач Olga Berezhko
General practitioner
Experience 39 year
Board Certified General Practitioner (Highest Category), member of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Internal Medicine
To make an appointment


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