Laser coagulation of veins

Varicose veins are one of the most insidious diseases. People believe that all that threatens them is the ugly appearance, on which the veins are swollen and “climbed out” under the skin. However, if you start the disease and don’t start treatment on time, you can wait for trophic ulcers to appear on your legs. And this is a direct path to disability.

Until recently, only one treatment technique was used. It is associated with the physical ablation of venous reflux. However, phlebectomy (procedure) is a complete operation, which will certainly lead to disfigurement of the appearance of the feets. And consequences are not the best - a high probability of injury to legs and veins. It was replaced by laser coagulation, which is several orders of magnitude safer, faster, and does not entail dangerous consequences.

EVLT is also used for treatment in several other cases:

  • Spider veins;
  • Hemangiomas;
  • Reticular intradermal varicose vessels.

Laser coagulation — an effective method of combating varicose veins

The laser coagulation method is the most advanced in the field of traditional medicine for this problem. It allows isolating damaged vessels without much harm to the body. In its essence lies not physical surgical intervention, but heating.

A thin fiber guide is inserted into the incision made in the vein, which is supplied to the affected area. After that, light radiation is fed, heating the vessels. In a heated place, the vein walls stick together, thereby isolating the damaged area.

Today it’s the safest method of treating varicose vessels. It’s not traumatic and minimizes the possibility of harming the body in any way.

The advantages of endovenous laser coagulation in comparison with any other methods:

  • Because the body is minimally damaged, there is no need to lie in a hospital and you can go home immediately after the procedure;
  • The manipulation is performed under local anesthesia. The patient does not feel any pain directly from the procedure - only from an injection of pain medication;
  • Quickly healing;
  • No scars after;
  • No special long-term preparation for the manipulation is needed. It is only necessary to shave the hair on a small patch around the area of ​​intervention.
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What to expect from the procedure

First of all, the patient is examined and a lesion is found. A mark is put on this place. After this, the intervention area is anesthetized and the surgeon inserts the fiber into the vein with a puncture. There are no cuts. As soon as the light begins to be supplied to the fiber, the catheter is gradually removed. From heat vessels stick together. At the end of the procedure, patches are molded onto the puncture sites, and a compression stocking is put on the leg. The underwear should be worn continuously for 5 days. Subsequently, she dresses exclusively for the day. Patches are removed on the 10th day.

After surgery, symptoms such as pulling sensations, bruising, and pain occur. This is normal. To relieve pain, you can use analgesics.

To whom laser coagulation of veins is prescribed

The EVLA technique has proved its success in practice and is used in both European and American clinics. Doctors distinguish several main groups of patients for whom EVLA will be most useful:

  • If the expansion of the large saphenous vein does not exceed 1 cm. Measurements are carried out using an ultrasonic technique in a standing position of the patient;
  • If there are not too many dilated vessels;
  • If the small saphenous vein is even. In the presence of one bend, the vessel can be sealed using two optical fibers inserted above and below the lesion;
  • Trophic deformities of the lower leg.

In what cases is laser coagulation contraindicated?

Even the most advanced, breakthrough, and harmless manipulations always have contraindications. Here at EVLA they are present:

  • Obesity due to the inability to properly tighten the skin after the surgery;
  • Microbial eczema and inflammation in the area of ​​the procedure;
  • Already carried out earlier stem scleropathy;
  • Insufficiency of the great saphenous vein;
  • Lack of lymphatic feets;
  • Chronic ischemic foot disease;
  • Hypercoagulable syndrome.

Advantages of treatment in medical center

Our institution employs highly qualified professional doctors who have undergone preliminary training. They have an extremely extensive continuous practice. Doctors are provided with the most modern equipment so that the procedures are performed at the highest level.

We are regularly contacted by patients who, after the surgery, note how well the treatment was carried out. Even after a long time, if they need therapy again, they turn to us.


Врач Olga Berezhko
General practitioner
Experience 39 year
Board Certified General Practitioner (Highest Category), member of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Internal Medicine
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