Mammology ultrasound
Mammological ultrasound examination includes the study of the mammary glands and regional lymph nodes in order to identify pathological changes in the breast and surrounding tissues in men and women.
The main diseases for which ultrasound diagnostics of the mammary glands is indicated are:
- female fibrocystic mastopathy;
- gynecomastia in men;
- oncological neoplasms.
According to long-term observations, breast cancer in women is one of the most common oncological pathologies. It is possible to detect a tumor at the initial stage only with the help of self-examination of breast tissues and regular diagnostics. But not all women visit a mammologist at least once a year. By the time breast cancer is detected, it often already begins to metastasize to the behind the ear, cervical and submandibular lymphatic vessels. Ultrasound of regional lymph nodes and mammary glands allows you to receive detailed information about all these changes.
Due to the high mortality rate from this cancer, mammography should be performed regularly. This diagnostic procedure detects cancer at the very beginning of its spread, when there are still no pronounced symptoms.
Indications for mammography examination:
- preventive examinations;
- cases of breast cancer in the immediate family;
- pain, tingling, discharge from the breast;
- injuries, falls on the chest;
- mastopathy;
- hormonal disorders;
- breast plastic surgery, control over the placement of a silicone prosthesis;
- seals, cysts, tumors in the mammary glands.
What does mammography detect?
- anomalies in the shape, consistency of the mammary gland;
- the ratio of adipose, glandular and fibrous tissues;
- mastitis in nursing mothers;
- benign and malignant neoplasms;
- deformities of regional lymph nodes, the presence of placesastases.
Preparation for mammography examinations
Mammography does not require any preliminary preparation. For more informational content, it is carried out in the first half of the menstrual cycle - 6-12 days from the beginning of the first day of menstrual bleeding.
In order to prevent the occurrence of breast cancer, all women are recommended to undergo preventive examinations by a mammologist and an ultrasound scan of the breast at least once a year. Women with mastopathy during menopause should increase the number of preventive examinations up to 3-4 times a year.