Elbow joint MRI

MRI of the elbow joint

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the elbow joint is a non-invasive and painless diagnosis of the anatomy of the soft and hard tissues of the given area. The procedure allows you to assess the structure of cartilage and bone structures, as well as ligaments, vessels involved in the movement of the shoulder, radius and forearm. MRI of the elbows helps to detect diseases such as:

  • epicondylitis;
  • cubital tunnel syndrome;
  • sprains; fractures;
  • distal ruptures of the biceps tendons;
  • ulnar synovitis, bursitis;
  • radial canal syndrome;
  • osteochondritis dissecans;
  • triceps tendon tear;
  • anomalies of the common elbow flexor;
  • panner's disease;
  • ulnar neuropathy.

In the department of radiology of the clinic of JSC «Medicine», examination of patients is carried out on a modern apparatus with a capacity of 3 Tesla. This allows you to get clear-layered images of the elbow joint with a thickness of up to 1 mm.


Name Cost (Rub.)
Computed tomography of the elbow joint 11640
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the elbow joint 16990
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the elbow joint with a contrast study 34590
Use of contrast agent in MRI 12190
Bolus administration of contrast agent in CT 12190
MRI - postcontrast 7590
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Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Often, MRI is prescribed to confirm and assess the degree of injury in the presence of pain in the patient. Indications for the diagnosis can also be the following cases:

  • the presence of pain, crunches, swelling, stiffness of movement;
  • injuries to the ulnar collateral ligament;
  • suspected arthrosis, arthritis and injuries;
  • checks for fluid inside the joint;
  • pinched nerves;
  • tumors, as well as the diagnosis of metastases.

In addition, Elbow joint MRI is prescribed for the purpose of conducting research before surgical treatment and monitoring the healing tissue in the postoperative period, the work of the main nerve, scarring, and restore the functionality.

A contrast agent is sometimes used for a more accurate result. The substance is administered on an empty stomach and distributed throughout the body. It helps to investigate the patency of blood vessels and their damage.

There are also contraindications to the procedure. It is not recommended performing joint MRI in the following cases:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of diabetes mellitus and renal failure;
  • the presence of implanted metal structures;
  • the inability to remain calm and immobile during the diagnosis;
  • intolerance to the contrast agent.

Inform the doctor about the specific features of your organism, so that it is possible to select the necessary examination.

You can find out the information you are interested in and make an appointment by phone in Moscow +7(495) 775-73-60. Reception is conducted around the clock.


Врач Olga Berezhko
General practitioner
Experience 39 year
Board Certified General Practitioner (Highest Category), member of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Internal Medicine
To make an appointment
Call +7 (495) 775-73-60 or leave a request,
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