MRI of the external genitalia in males

MRI of the external genitalia in males

The external genitals in men often suffer from injuries and various pathologies that disrupt the quality of life and cause a lot of inconvenience. Magnetic resonance imaging of this area is a safe research technique that does not affect sexual activity and fertility.

The power of the MRI apparatus in JSC "Medicina" Clinic (Professor Roytberg Clinic) is 3 Tesla. The research is conducted around the clock.

Possibilities of MRI of the external male genital organs

MRI of the external genitalia in men is performed when other diagnostic methods are ineffective. With the help of this study, it is possible to identify pathologies of the testicles, penis. More often than other pathologies, there is a fracture of the penis due to trauma to the membrane of the corpora cavernosa. This pathology is often combined with extensive hematoma, edema, trauma to the urethra and corpus spongiosum. Sometimes such injuries require surgical treatment.

MRI allows you to detect tumors, testicular hemorrhages, pathologies of the corpora cavernosa, testicular rupture - an emergency that requires medical attention. To determine the degree of damage, the magnetic resonance technique is informative and safe. Men are more likely than women to receive damage to the external genital organs. This is due to anatomical features, a tendency to participate in fights, dangerous sports, car races.

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The most common pathologies of the external genital organs are:

  • fracture of the penis;
  • scrotal hematoma;
  • testicular rupture;
  • gunshot, knife wounds of the genitals;
  • removing insects.

Indications for MRI of the external genitalia:

  • trauma to the scrotum, penis, scrotum and testicles;
  • pain in the penis;
  • extensive hematoma of the scrotum area;
  • diagnostics of oncological changes.

Contraindications to MRI:

  • the presence of metal healing elements: clips, prostheses, pacemakers;
  • fear of confined space;
  • kidney pathology, allergies (if MRI is performed using contrast).


Врач Aleksandr Shelepov
Experience 16 year
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Врач Ekaterina Morozova
Experience 22 year
Pediatrician, PhD (Medicine), member of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia
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Врач Karen Mkrtchyan
Urologist Candidate of Medical Sciences, member of the European Association of Urology and the Russian Society of Urological Oncology
Experience 17 year
Urologist Candidate of Medical Sciences, member of the European Association of Urology and the Russian Society of Urological Oncology
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Врач Nadezhda Konshu
Experience 18 year
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Врач Natalya Kondratova
Chief physician of the hospital
Experience 24 year
Grand Doctor of Medicine, Associate Professor, Highest Qualification Category
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Врач Olga Berezhko
General practitioner
Experience 39 year
Board Certified General Practitioner (Highest Category), member of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Internal Medicine
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Врач Sergey Tarabarin
Surgeon, Doctor of Medicine, European society of surgery
Experience 44 year
Surgeon, Doctor of Medicine, European society of surgery Doctor of the highest category, professor, member of the Moscow Surgical Society.
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