Liver MRI

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the liver — non-invasive and painless examination by scanning on a specially designed machine. Thanks to such diagnostics, it is possible to estimate the size and mass of an organ, examine its segments from different angles, and also detect diseases and lesions in the early stages. The method is safe for the patient, since the person is not exposed to hazardous radiation.
Liver MRI can be carried out with or without contrast. A standard organ check without the introduction of additional drugs allows you to assess the internal and external bile ducts, as well as blood vessels and determine the presence of neoplasms. If a more detailed diagnosis is required, the patient is injected with a contrast agent to isolate and evaluate hyperintense liver lesions, edema, and tumors, and helps to make a decision about surgical intervention.
Features of the procedure
Many liver diseases can be detected with MRI:
- adenoma;
- crayfish;
- fibrosis;
- hemochromatosis;
- cirrhosis;
- abscess;
- hemangioma;
- hemosiderosis.
When examining the liver, the doctor will be able to see the gallbladder and spleen at the same time and give a professional assessment of these organs.
Indications and contraindications
Magnetic resonance scan of the liver with and without contrast is recommended when:
- yellowing of the sclera and jaundice;
- pain in the stomach, encircling at waist level or in the right side of the abdomen;
- frequent recurring digestive disorders, nausea, vomiting;
- suspicions of tumors, metastases, or gallstones;
- fever, along with other symptoms;
- dark colored urine;
- an increase in the size of the liver, established by external examination.
Also, the diagnosis is carried out in preparation for the operation or monitoring the dynamic recovery after it.
Contraindications to the procedure are different, and some of them are relative (the examination is carried out in urgent need on the recommendation of a doctor). MRI of the liver should not be performed in the following cases:
- pregnancy and lactation;
- the presence of metal objects in the patient's body;
- the presence of pacemakers, artificial heart valves, implants and prostheses;
- the presence of an insulin pump, vascular stents, cava filters, neurostimulants;
- fear of confined space, panic attacks;
- inability to be stationary during the procedure;
- weight over 130 kg.
At the doctor's appointment, be sure to tell about the characteristics of your body, up to the presence of claustrophobia. This will help to correctly carry out the procedure or choose another option for the examination.
Sign up for an MRI of the liver at the clinic of Academician Roitberg «Medicina» by phone +7 (495) 775-73-60.