Pregnancy planning
For some married couples, the news of the imminent replenishment in the family is a joyful surprise, while others are preparing to become parents consciously and carefully prepare for this. The specialists of JSC "Medicina" Clinic (Professor Roytberg Clinic) take not only the management of pregnancy, but also the conception of a child very seriously.
Families planning to conceive a child in advance will benefit from detailed consultations from our doctors: from them you will learn every nuance of preparation for conception.
JSC "Medicina" Clinic (Professor Roytberg Clinic) guarantees:
- Highly professional advice;
- responsible and attentive attitude towards patients;
- the ability to go through all the required examinations on the spot within one day.
A trusting relationship between a woman and a doctor who monitors her health before and during pregnancy plays a huge role in the stable positive mood of the expectant mother.
In JSC "Medicina" Clinic (Professor Roytberg Clinic), every woman will be able, after talking with the doctors, to find that obstetrician-gynecologist with whom she will be most comfortable to communicate, to whom she can ask even the most delicate questions.
Healthy parents are the key to success in giving birth to a healthy baby. Therefore, it is necessary for a married couple to cure all existing chronic diseases, infections and even caries even before conceiving a child.
Full examination of parents
For spouses wishing to undergo a full medical examination before conceiving a child, JSC "Medicina" Clinic (Professor Roytberg Clinic) offers all the necessary instrumental and laboratory examinations, as well as consultations of specialized specialists.
1. For both partners:
- blood tests - general, biochemical, to determine the blood group and Rh factor, for the presence of markers of viral hepatitis B and C;
- general urine analysis;
- examination for a complex of TORCH infections;
- narrow specialists - therapist, geneticist, dentist and endocrinologist.
2. For women:
- an analysis to determine blood coagulability and a study of hormonal status;
- colposcopy, ultrasound of the pelvic organs - to determine the state of the internal female genital organs;
- gynecologist;
- tests for sexually transmitted diseases - if an infection is detected, treatment is prescribed for both partners.
3. For men:
- urologist;
- andrologist.
If you need advice from any other specialists, your supervising doctor will definitely inform you about it.
Conception calendar
When the stage of examination and treatment of all existing infections and diseases is over, it is time to move on to the next stage of preparation for conceiving a baby - determining the date of conception.
If a woman has a regular menstrual cycle, and the health of her spouses is almost perfect, then you can rely on nature. The conception calendar is compiled in the case when future parents wish to calculate the most favorable days for conception.
The conception calendar is based on the following knowledge, taking into account which you can choose the most optimal days for conception:
- the first phase of the menstrual cycle in women lasts an average of 12 days;
- ovulation occurs on the 13-14th day from the first day of the last menstruation;
- a female ovum lives on average two days;
- the life of a male sperm is three to four days.
The obstetricians-gynecologists of JSC "Medicina" Clinic (Professor Roytberg Clinic) are fluent in the methods of calculating the required days and compiling the conception calendar and will always help future mothers and fathers with determining the days when the chances of successful conception of a child are especially high.