Ultrasound scanning at home

Ultrasonic scanning in home settings

Ultrasound examination (USI) is a non-invasive and painless method, which make it possible to see and examine the most inner organs in detail, identify the diseases and monitor the efficiency of the medical therapy. Such diagnostics is safe for health, that’s why it may be conducted in required amounts regardless of the patient’s age and well-being.

As a rule, ultrasound examination is held in the medical institution. However, for those patients, who are non-transportable and are in critical condition, the JSC «Medicina» Clinic (Professor Roytberg Clinic) offers the services of at home ultrasound. Such method is popular among the people with limited abilities and pregnant women. At home ultrasound is also carried out for babies. If necessary, our specialists will be also able to conduct 3D-ultrasound and doppler ultrasound for a more precise image.


Code Name Price (RUB)
A04.01.001 USG, soft tissue 4 350
A04.01.001.001 Sonoelastography ultrasound 3 560
A04.04.001 USG symmetric joints 4 790
A04.06.001 USG, spleen 2 330
A04.06.002 USG, lymphatic nodes, 1-2 regions 4 790
A04.06.003 USG, newborn brain 4 790
A04.07.002 USG, salivary gland (symmetrical) 4 350
A04.09.001 US, pleural cavity 6 370
A04.10.002 Echocardiography 15 820
A04.10.002.001 Stress echocardiography with transesophageal stimulation 24 300
A04.10.002.004 Stress-EchoCG with physical exercises with use of treadmill 24 300
A04.12.001 Doppler ultrasonography, upper extremity arteries 14 190
A04.12.001.001 Doppler ultrasonography, lower extermity arteries 14 190
A04.12.001.002 US-dopplerography, magistral vessels of visceral organs, with color doppler mapping 15 810
A04.12.002.002 Doppler ultrasonography, lower extermity veins 14 190
A04.12.002.003 Doppler ultrasonography, upper extremity veins 14 190
A04.12.003 USG, abdominal aorta and inferior vein cava, with color doppler mapping 15 810
A04.12.005.003 Doppler ultrasonography, major arteries 14 190
A04.12.005.006 Transcranial US-dopplerography with color doppler mapping 16 130
A04.12.008 Dopplerography of penile vessels 15 810
A04.12.024 US-dopplerography, uteroplacental circulation 15 810
A04.12.026 Дуплексное сканирование нижней полой вены и вен портальной системы 15 810
A04.14.001.005 Elastometry of liver 11 220
A04.14.002 USG, gallbladder with function assessment 5 340
A04.16.001 Ультразвуковое исследование органов брюшной полости (комплексное) 9 590
A04.20.001 USG, internal female genitals 6 910
A04.20.001.001 USG, transvaginal 7 690
A04.20.001.002 USG, transrectal 7 340
A04.20.001.003 USI monitoring of the uterine body after surgery 5 020
A04.20.002 USG, mammary gland 4 790
A04.20.003 Folliculometry 3 000
A04.21.001 USG, prostate 4 790
A04.21.001.001 Ультразвуковое исследование предстательной железы трансректальное 7 340
A04.22.001 USG, thyroid gland 4 790
A04.23.001 USG, newborn brain 8 360
A04.23.002 Echoencephalography, M-regimen 9 590
A04.26.003 Orbit scanning 6 130
A04.28.001 USG, kidney, suprarenal gland, retroperitoneal space 5 120
A04.28.002.003 USG, urinary bladder 3 660
A04.28.002.008 Ультразвуковое исследование мочевого пузыря после микции 1 880
A04.28.003 Ультразвуковое исследование органов мошонки 6 350
A04.30.001 Ultrasonic examination of a pregnant woman 11 220
A04.30.004 USG, abdominal cavity for free fluid 3 230
A04.30.008 USG, 4D regimen 7 910
A04.30.009 US-guided transcutaneous diagnostic puncture 4 010
A04.30.009.001 US-guided diagnostic puncture for visceral organs 16 030
A04.30.010.001 USG, prostate and urinary bladder with residual urine 12 020
B01.052.001.001 Осмотр (консультация) врача ультразвуковой диагностики на дому 13 220
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What organs can be examined with ultrasound at home?

A modern ultrasound equipment can be easily transported, which allows to examine the elderly, disabled and people suffering from the acute cardiovascular diseases without coming to the clinic.

With the help of at home ultrasound the following scans can be obtained:

  • liver;
  • spleen;
  • mammary glands;
  • gall bladder;
  • pancreatic;
  • pelvic organs;
  • prostate and thyroid;
  • the development of a child in a womb of a pregnant woman;
  • organs of the new-born baby;
  • heart;
  • vessels and others.

The procedure requires a consultation with a doctor, since special preparations are sometimes made before the diagnostics. For instance, for the ultrasound of the urogenital system it is necessary to fill the gall bladder with water beforehand, and for the organs of the abdomen-to stick to a diet and evacuate the bowel. Thereby, clarify all the ropes and requirements for conducting the procedure with the doctor before at home ultrasound. It will allow to get reliable results.

After the examination, the sonogram with a collateral documentation is given to the patient. If necessary, the additional consultations are held, and a list of medications and curative actions is prescribed.

Sign up for the ultrasound scanning at home to the JSC «Medicina» Clinic (Professor Roytberg Clinic) by phone in Moscow: +7(495) 775-73-60.


Врач Olga Berezhko
General practitioner
Experience 39 year
Board Certified General Practitioner (Highest Category), member of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Internal Medicine
To make an appointment
Call +7 (495) 775-73-60 or leave a request,
we will call you back