Rights and obligations of patients
JSC "Medicine" thanks you for choosing our clinic to provide medical care.
The key to successful treatment consists of several factors, but the most important of them are professionalism doctor and patient involvement in the treatment process. The latter is possible only if the patient fully informed and understands the treatment plan, the meaning and purpose of various procedures, manipulations and interventions, the rules for staying in the clinic, that is, is a full participant and partner of the doctor in fight the disease. In this regard, the clinic of JSC "Medicine" invites you and your family to get acquainted with the rights and the responsibilities of patients.
The Fundamentals of Patient Rights and Obligations have been prepared in accordance with:
- Mission, vision and quality strategy of the clinic
- European Report on Patients' Rights (Amsterdam, 1994),
- World Physicians Association Report on Patient Rights (Bali, 1995),
- State regulations of the Russian Federation, including Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2013) "On the basics of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation".
The medical organization undertakes:
- to assist the patient in obtaining a full range of diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation activities;
- maintain relationships between the patient and his family members with healthcare professionals;
- help the patient actively participate in the treatment process;
- provide patient education during treatment;
- create and strengthen effective communication and interaction between all staff hosting participation in the provision of medical care;
- to increase patient confidence in the actions of healthcare professionals;
- ensure internal control over the observance of the rights of patients and their families.
Initial appeal
At the initial visit, the patient (or his legal representative) concludes an agreement with the clinic to provide paid medical services and signs an informed voluntary consent for medical intervention. In cases of refusal to sign the contract and voluntary informed consent to medical intervention, the clinic has the right to refuse admission. Preliminarily read the text of the contract for the provision of paid medical services can be found here.
Clinic of JSC "Medicine" and medical staff:
- guarantee the provision of round-the-clock medical care;
- guarantee adequate pain relief for the patient using the most appropriate method;
- interact with the patient and family members in the process of choosing the optimal treatment method;
- are not allowed to use harsh language when communicating with the patient, respecting his values, beliefs and solutions;
- do not interfere with the patient's religious practice, unless it interferes with other patients;
- treats dying patients with respect and provide family members with psychological support;
- guarantees compliance with the principles of medical confidentiality. Maintaining the confidentiality of medical information guaranteed even after the death of the patient;
- ensure that the information technology adopted in the clinic provides access to medical information only to those health professionals who are entitled to it.
The rights of patients and their families
The patient's rights are inviolable and cannot be violated even at the patient's request. Patients have complete and open access to brochures describing their rights. Brochures are available in all departments of the clinic.
Patients and their family members have the right to file a complaint, which is dealt with in accordance with the established procedure.
Getting medical help:
- all patients of the clinic and their family members have the right to receive treatment, regardless of their race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, language, gender, nationality, physical disabilities, sexual orientation, philosophical beliefs, social and economic status;
- all patients and their family members have the right to receive full information about the method of treatment;
- the patient has the right to agree or refuse the proposed treatment method;
- patients have the right to information about their positions, degrees and titles of medical professionals, who are involved in their treatment;
- the patient has the right to full information about his diagnosis, treatment method, alternatives to the proposed method of treatment, likelihood of successful treatment, cost of treatment, estimated duration treatment and possible complications.
At the clinic:
- all patients of the clinic and their family members have the right to receive treatment in a comfortable environment, with respect to their cultural, religious and social values;
- patients have the right to have an accompanying person in the ward if there are no medical contraindications;
- accompanying persons have no right to interfere with medical procedures by the clinic staff.
Payment Medical Services:
- the provider of payment for the treatment has the right to receive complete financial information about the costs and the cost of treatment.
Responsibilities of patients and their families
Patients have a responsibility to respect the rights of other patients and the clinic's medical staff.
Treatment process:
- patients and their families are required to provide complete and honest health information medical professionals involved in the treatment process;
- if patients and their family members have difficulty understanding information during treatment, presented by healthcare professionals, they should ask questions and seek any additional clarifications;
- patients and their families should report any unforeseen situations during their treatment;
- Patients should take active treatment when deciding on a treatment plan.
Provision of information:
- patients must promptly inform the clinic of all changes in their personal information (name, surname, address or telephone number);
- patients should inform the clinic in case they cannot come to the doctor's appointment at the appointed time.
Paid medical services:
- patients are obliged to ensure full and timely payment for treatment at the clinic.
Federal Law No. 323-FZ dated 21.11.2011 (as amended on 28.12.2013) "On the basics of protection health of citizens in the Russian Federation".
Article 19. Right to Medical Assistance.
1. Everyone has the right to medical assistance.
2. Everyone has the right to medical assistance in a guaranteed volume, provided without collection of fees in accordance with the program of state guarantees of free provision of citizens of medical care, as well as to receive paid medical services and other services, in including in accordance with a voluntary health insurance contract.
3. The right to medical assistance of foreign citizens residing and staying in the territory Of the Russian Federation, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and relevant international treaties of the Russian Federation. Stateless persons permanent residents of the Russian Federation enjoy the right to medical assistance on an equal basis with citizens of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of the Russian Federation.
4. The procedure for providing medical care to foreign citizens is determined by the Government Russian Federation.
5. The patient has the right to:
1) the choice of a doctor and the choice of a medical organization in accordance with this Federal by law;
2) prevention, diagnosis, treatment, medical rehabilitation in medical organizations in conditions corresponding to sanitary and hygienic requirements;
3) obtaining advice from specialist doctors;
4) relief of pain associated with disease and / or medical intervention available methods and drugs;
5) obtaining information about their rights and obligations, the state of their health, the choice of persons, to whom information about the state of his health can be transferred in the interests of the patient;
6) receiving medical food in the event of a patient being treated in inpatient conditions;
7) protection of information constituting a medical secret;
8) refusal from medical intervention;
9) compensation for harm caused to health in the provision of medical assistance;
10) admission of a lawyer or legal representative to him to protect his rights;
11) admission of a clergyman to him, and in the event of a patient being treated in stationary conditions - to provide conditions for the performance of religious rites, which can be carried out in stationary conditions, including the provision of a separate room, if this does not violate the internal regulations of the medical organization.